For a newbie in linux, ubuntu specifically, we should at least understand a few basic commands that are often used to perform system administration. In Ubuntu, if we want to manage system in terminal, always use 'sudo' command. Sudo is Super User Do, where the user hwo have sudo privilleges can manage the system without login as root user. For example :
$ sudo
Here are some frequently used commands:
1. Apt-get
This is the most important command to manage installation programs. we can add and remove programs, update sourcelist from ubuntu repository, upgrade all installing programs and system.
To update type like this
$ sudo apt-get update
To upgrade type like this
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
To installing package from repository, use this command
$ sudo apt-get install package_name
To uninstall pakage
$ sudo apt-get remove package_name
For other apt-get command, just type in terminal
$ man apt-get
2. dpkg
This is ubuntu package management, Using for installing or remove .deb package.
To installing .deb package
$ sudo dpkg -i package_name.deb
or if we have more than one .deb package
$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
To remove installing .deb package
$ sudo dpkg -r package_name.deb
For more information about dpkg, type man dpkg on terminal.
3. Copy file or folder
$ cp file_name /home/zikril/Document/
4. Remove file or folder
$ rm file_name
5. Create folder
$ mkdir folder_name
6. Looking for network device
$ ifconfig
or for only wireless device
$ iwconfig
7. downloading file from internet/intranet
$ wget http://filesource
And many more and more, because linux is very rich command line you can learn. I hope you enjoy...
I am more newbie than this - I am not able to locate the terminal interface at all. It is not an menu option, as far as I can see - neither under "Applications", "Places" or "System".