July 24, 2009

Wget : The Powerfull Download Manager in Linux

GNU wget, or wget, is a simple computer program that receives cargo from the web server, and is part of the GNU Project. Name derived from the World Wide Web and get, the connotations of primernya. Endorse this program downloaded through the HTTP protocol, HTTPS, and FTP, the protocol based on TCP / IP the most widely used for web browsing.

Features include recursive download, conversion of links for offline review from a local HTML, Proxy endorse, and more. First appearing in 1996, in the background by the use of the Web explosion, causing the wide use among the users of Unix and Linux distributions leading. Written using the portable C language, wget can be easily installed on a system similar to Unix-whatever and have some diportasi to the environment, including Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, OpenVMS, and AmigaOS.

Wget is used as a basic GUI programs such Gwget for GNOME desktop. Released under the GNU General Public License v3, wget is a free software.

Using Wget on Your Ubuntu

To using wget, just click Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal, and type the command below
1. Download directly without any option

wget http://www.websource.com/filename.deb
wget ftp://ftpserver.com/filename.deb

2. Download a web directly (recursive) if you want to have a backup of the web in your hard drive.

wget -r http://www.websource.com

3. Continue even though the mode can be resumed if stopped downloading

wget -c http://www.websource.com/filename.deb

4. The background mode access no matter if its a remote shell when we disconnect download fixed road

wget -b http://www.websource.com/filename.exe

5. Enables the number of experiments can download to use the web often down, the connection is often slow and can also down, or if you do not want to try too often wget

wget --tries=10 http://www.websource.com/filename.exe

the above example will attempt to download namafile.exe of 10 times experiment if still failed wget will stop it. or if you want to force a download even though the connection information in a refuse this option.

wget --retry-connrefused http://www.websource.com/filename.exe

6. Just download the files (or later) from a file that already exists in the local where the first will be reviewed here if the target file is new or not

wget -N http://www.websource.com/filename.iso

7. limit the download speed on a particular instance 32kbps

wget --limit-rate=32k http://www.websource.com/file.iso

8. download from the web / ftp server that is protected with a password

wget --http-user=USERNAME --http-password=YOURPASSWORD http://www.websource.com/filename.rpm
wget --ftp-user=USERNAME --ftp-password=YOURPASSWORD http://www.websource.com/filename.rpm

9. Downloading through a proxy (without the set directly on wgetrc)

wget --proxy-user=USERNAME --proxy-password=PASSWORD http://www.websource.com/filename.iso

10.Download via https without certificate must check it first

wget --no-check-certificate https://www.websource.com/filename.exe

11.Create a mirror from the ftp server

wget -m ftp://ftp.websource.com
wget -r -N -l inf --no-remove-listing ftp://ftp.websource.com

for more option just type man wget on terminal or going to wget homepage


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