May 13, 2009

Open Office 3.1 on Your Old Ubuntu

If you right now using Ubuntu 9.04 Jauty Jackalope maybe there is no problem about your office apllication, because in this new Ubuntu release, Open Office 3 in the default office aplication. But how if you are using Ubuntu 8.10 or 8.04?? I have some trick that i have done on my Ubuntu 8.10 mechines where still using Open Office 2.4.

Ok, let's move now... Firts, you need to download new Open Office application on, or just click this link, then do like this step....

Step 1. Extrack your open office package and save where ever you want, in this case, i have save it in /home directory

$ tar xvzf OOo_3.1.0_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz